The Triumph And Tragedy Of Capitalism - Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist and politician. Show notes Selected links Follow Yanis: Website | Twitter Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present, by Yanis Varoufakis The Sovereignty of Good, by Iris Murdoch 'Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox', paper by Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers 'The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits', The New York Times article by Milton Friedman Topics discussed Utopia. 4:46 The Sovereignty of Good. 9:14 Has capitalism enabled people to pursue higher goods? 12:38 What is capitalism? 16:08 Monopolies. 23:19 The problem with capitalism. 28:54 Are workers robots or autonomous souls? 34:40 Is capitalism making us happier? 54:30 Milton Friedman's 1970 article on profit maximisation. 1:02:41 What is Yanis's alternative to capitalism? 1:09:12 See for privacy information.
From "The Joe Walker Podcast"
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