Alexandra Kaschuta & John O'Sullivan , Subversive w/Alex Kaschuta

John O'Sullivan - The New "New Right" and its Future

20 Sep 2023 • 69 min • EN
69 min
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We speak about the three eras of the “New Right”: from William F. Buckley and James Burnham to the second “New Right” under Reagan and Thatcher and now the third “New Right” that is taking shape in the wake of the populist revolutions of Trump and Brexit. We also speak about immigration, liberalism as a self-liquefying force, Thatcher’s legacy, Brexit, Orban, and much more. John O’Sullivan is a political commentator and journalist. He was the senior policy writer and speechwriter in 10 Downing Street for Margaret Thatcher when she was British prime minister. He is also the former editor of National Review in the years 1988-1997 and is now an editor at large. Since 2017, he has been president of the Danube Institute in Budapest.

From "Subversive w/Alex Kaschuta"

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