Jim Vallely Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson

11 Mar 2025 • 69 min • EN
69 min
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Jim Vallely Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Sitting down with Emmy and WGA award winner, Jim Vallely was a cozy, comfortable, fun, and funny hang. He even told us a joke joke, on request. It’s one he’s been “testing” as part of a sociological experiment of sorts. Win/win, we got a laugh with a lesson. Who knew that having a seizure in 6th grade would lead to a career as a TV comedy writer. Jim takes us through and it makes perfect sense. This accountant studying student just happened to sit next to the right guy at an NYU audition, ask his mother the right question on the right day, marry the right girl, move into the right apartment, partner with the right actor/comedian, Jonathan Schmock, become 1/2 of The Funny Boys comedy team, appear on Johnny Carson, co-star on the sitcom, Double Trouble, and then write on The Golden Girls, one of the most successful sitcoms of all time. Brotherly Love, Ladies Man, Action, Two and a Half Men, My Wife and Kids, The John Larriquette Show, Till Death, Extended Family, as well as Arrested Development, for which he garnered 4 Emmy nominations, and the aforementioned awards, followed. Jim was an executive producer and co-creator with Will Arnett and Michael Hurwitz of Running Wilde on Fox. There’s more. Jim tells a great Carl Reiner/Alan Brady story, tells us how the real Kramer, Larry David, Bill Maher, Callie Khouri, Chris Thompson, Don Reo, Mitchell Hurwitz, Will Arnett, and Jay Mohr factor into his story, gives us the before, during, and after of his career milestones, and speaks with great pride and tenderness about the great loves and joys of his life, his talented wife, Maggie, and his successful daughter, Tannis. We talked about our friends, Taylor Negron and Ron Zimmerman. There is no friend like Jim. His love, devotion, and care for Ron, was a gift he gave all of us who loved him. Jim’s a tender-hearted, special man. And boy, is he funny. A very funny boy, indeed! Jim Vallely Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 3/12/25, 5 PM PT, 8 PM ET Streamed Live on my Facebook & YouTube Replay here: https://bit.ly/4iCKgPq YouTube https://www.facebook.com/vickiabelson/videos/937526015211102

From "Game Changers With Vicki Abelson"

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