Jeffrey Madoff, Founder & CEO Madoff Productions, Adjunct Professor - Parsons School of Design, Author: ‘Creative Careers’, Keynote Speaker, Lead Producer & Playwright
This week on The New P&L - Principles & Leadership in Business we speak to the phenomenal Jeffrey Madoff, Founder & CEO Madoff Productions, Adjunct Professor - Parsons School of Design, Author: ‘Creative Careers’, Keynote Speaker, Lead Producer & Playwright. Once ranked as one of the top 10 young designers in the U.S., Jeffrey has had a career dedicated to creativity. After some time as a designer, Jeffrey transitioned his career into film, video and live production, producing award winning commercials, documentaries and web content for global clients including Ralph Lauren, Victoria's Secret, Tiffany's, Radio City and Harvard University to name a few. Jeffrey is also adjunct professor at the Parsons School of Design, as well as a celebrated author and playwright. We discuss creative leadership, the role creativity and curiosity has played in his career and the role of creativity in the future of business. To learn more about what Jeffrey does, go to: To purchase the 'Creative Careers' book click here If you’d like to join The New P&L movement for more principled leadership and more purpose-led business and keep up to date with our latest news, go to and subscribe. LinkedIn page: Principlesandleadership Web:
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