James Altucher & Peter Thiel , The James Altucher Show

Ep. 43 - Peter Thiel: What the Future Looks Like

16 Sep 2014 • 76 min • EN
76 min
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If you listen to only one podcast this year than this has to be the one.  James and Peter talk about Peter's brand new book Zero To One, which James says is the best business book, he's read in a long long time... But they cover so much more.   Where is the next technological innovation? How to utilizing the 10x rule What characteristics of PayPal led to the PayPal mafia? Why working with your friends OK What did peter see in Mark Zuckerburg? What it was like turning down a billion dollars The Chinese refrigerator rule Will Über be a success? Where would Peter put his retirement money?   "I think that when people come out of super successful companies like a Google or a Microsoft, they've often experienced business as too easy, and then they're set up to fail, whereas if you come out of a company that's completely blown up and failed, you often learn to set your sights lower and your expectations lower, and so I think failure is also somewhat overrated in our society because, you know, it actually does damage people.  So I think PayPal was this intermediate case where people learned that it was hard but possible to build a great business. A lot of great friendships were forged and these were the bases for starting these new companies." ------------What do YOU think of the show? Head to JamesAltucherShow.com/listeners and fill out a short survey that will help us better tailor the podcast to our audience!Are you interested in getting direct answers from James about your question on a podcast? Go to JamesAltucherShow.com/AskAltucher and send in your questions to be answered on the air!------------Visit Notepd.com to read our idea lists & sign up to create your own!My new book, Skip the Line, is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever books are sold!Join the You Should Run for President 2.0 Facebook Group, where we discuss why you should run for President.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at jamesaltuchershow.com------------Thank you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" wherever you get your podcasts: Apple PodcastsiHeart RadioSpotifyFollow me on social media:YouTubeTwitterFacebookLinkedIn

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