Jacqueline Friedland: fertility, inequality, reproductive rights, and bodily autonomy in COUNTING BACKWARDS
Meryl chats with Jacqueline Friedland about her new novel, Counting Backwards (March 2025), a dual-timeline novel which explores fertility, inequality, reproductive rights, and bodily autonomy. It’s told from the perspectives of Jessa Gidney, a modern-day lawyer fighting for her immigrant client, and also Carrie Buck who is the plaintiff in the actual 1927 Supreme Court Case, Buck v. Bell. In the 1927 case, the Court upheld the right of the state to sterilize women deemed feebleminded Jacqueline, the author of five novels, is a USA Today and Amazon best-selling author. Her brand new novel is Counting Backwards. She holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, a JD from NYU Law School, and an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She lives in Westchester, New York with her husband and four children. Website: www.jacquelinefriedland.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/JacquelineFriedlandAuthor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackiefriedland/ Host Website: merylain.com/ People of the Book: https://www.facebook.com/PeopleOfTheBookWithMerylAin Jews Love To Read! https://www.facebook.com/groups/455865462463744 facebook.com/MerylAinAuthor/ Copyright by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network #AuthorsOnTheAir #AuthorsOnTheAirGlobalRadioNetwork #AOTA #Jacqueline Friedland #CountingBackwards #HeGetsThatFromMe #BodilyAutonomy #Eugenics #BuckvBell #ReproductiveRights #CarrieBuck #JessaGidney #Vance #JewishCharacter #Feeblemindedness #RightToHaveAChild #PeopleoftheBook #Sterilization #IncarceratedInmates #OriginsofTheHolocaust #WomensRights #Immigration #GenreHopper #WomensFiction #MerylAin #JewsLoveToRead #TheTakeawayMen #ShadowsWeCarry #RememberToEat
From "Authors on the Air Global Radio Network"
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