FRIDAY SESSIONS #004 on JML - Beattie and Milius
Jack Murphy sits down with former Trump administration staffers Darren J. Beattie and Amanda Milius to peer behind the White House veil. They share their honest opinions on Trump himself, insider baseball on the executive branch, how we can strive for liberty, and the use of narrative warfare. Amanda Milius Plot Against The President Twitter: @AmandaMilius Darren J. Beattie Revolver.News Twitter: @DarrenJBeattie FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered. Follow Jack Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
From "Jack Murphy Live"
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