Is Walking KEY to Building a Great Butt & Burning Fat? Mark Sisson shares the Surprising Science
Mark Sisson, an influential figure in the primal lifestyle movement and author of 'Born to Walk’ delves into the surprising health benefits of walking. He explains why most traditional shoes might be causing more harm than good, and why many people would be better off replacing their running routines with walking. Mark also shares his rapid recovery story from a recent hip replacement surgery, crediting walking as the key factor. Episode Overview: 00:00 Intro/Teaser 1:11 The Problem with Traditional Shoes 4:37 The Evolution of Running Shoes 10:12 Biomechanical Issues with Modern Footwear 24:28 The Case Against Running for Everyone 36:45 The Benefits of Walking 39:52 The Dangers of Overtraining 42:11 The Benefits of Sprinting 43:19 Challenging the 'No Pain, No Gain' Mentality 44:39 The Obligate Runner and Exercise Anorexia 48:37 The Power of Walking 59:22 Recovery and Mental Health Benefits of Walking 1:03:32 Mark's Hip Replacement Recovery Story 1:10:19 Incorporate Walking into Your Life Resources mentioned in this episode can be found at https://drstephanieestima.com/podcasts/ep404 A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors who make the show possible: BIOPTIMIZERS MAGNESIUM - Contains the 7 best-absorbed magnesium plus cofactors like B6 to enhance absorption. Visit https://bioptimizers.com/better and use code BETTER for a special Better deal. BEAM MINERALS - Replenish missing minerals for better health. Visit https://beamminerals.com/better and use code BETTER for 20% off. LUMEN - All you have to do is breathe into your Lumen first thing in the morning to know what’s going on with your metabolism. Head to https://lumen.me/BETTER and use code BETTER for 20% off your purchase. -------------- NOW OPEN! EVEN BETTER! PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP: Subscribe at https://estima.supercast.com/ --------------
From "Better! with Dr. Stephanie"
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