Wayne Pernell & Michael Roderick , OneSharpSword

Interview with Michael Roderick

02 Nov 2021 • 45 min • EN
45 min
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From high-school english teacher to broadway producer to founder of Small Pond Enterprises, Michael Roderick shares his amazing insights on How To Create A Referrable Brand!    Great lessons from this beautiful soul today include (and I’m paraphrasing what he actually said):  When an opportunity that matches your dreams arises, don’t hold back. Step into it. That’s how he met Broadway producers! Learn the ropes - move from contributor to producer! As a thoughtful giver, you have something that is brandable. What is your referability factor? What is your “IF” - your Integrative Framework? How do you see the world uniquely? What can people do with it? BIG QUESTION: If your business were a Broadway Show, would anyone buy a ticket and be talking about it so much that you’d get automatic referrals? Build your network around what you’re delivering, don’t try to deliver to everyone. How are you helping? Solve A Problem Alleviate Pain Reduce Friction Don’t underestimate the significance of making other people feel significant. Consider the WIIFM - How is what you’re offering of VALUE to them?   Check out Michael’s websites:  www.MyReferabilityRater.com And www.SmallPondEnterprises.com   Thank you for listening to One Sharp Sword!  Be sure to also check out Wednesdays With Wayne for quick, fun, and inspirational mid-week reading.  www.WaynePernell.com/blog

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