Andrew Clark & Ted Bradshaw , Impactful Leaders

Impactful Leader: Ted Bradshaw

16 Nov 2022 • 54 min • EN
54 min
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Today, you will find Ted in his sweet spot, helping leaders lead purpose-driven lives. He does this through his speaking engagements as a Certified EOS Implementer slash Community Leader worldwide. Ted also has a new book, "Stop Chasing Squirrels. 6 essentials To Find your Purpose, Focus, and Flow." Stop Chasing Squirrels Stop Chasing Squirrels lays out a step-by-step system to uncover your true, hidden passion.  With six pillars to support you as you shift into your purpose, Stop Chasing Squirrels will help you get focused, stay focused, and unleash your creativity with daily, heartfelt joy for the rest of your life. Connect with Ted on:

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