We all struggle with, and often avoid the topic of losing clients, but the truth is, it happens to everyone. I reflect on why we lost a key client, the mistakes I made, and how confidence without competence can be damaging in business. Discover the importance of self-awareness, honesty with clients, and collaborative communication. I'll share how these lessons have shaped the way I approach client relationships now and how you can apply them in your business to ensure you serve your clients as the expert they deserve. Tune in to gain insights that could transform your client management strategies and improve your overall business approach. What You'll hear in this episode: [0:50] Facing Client Losses: A Personal Story [2:30] Lessons Learned from Client Breakups [6:15] Balancing Confidence and Competence [10:20] Improving Client Communication If you like this episode, check out: Unlocking Business Success: Mastering the Art of the Accountable Plan How to Build Trust with Your Customers Creating an Outstanding Customer Service Experience Want to learn more so you can earn more? Visit keepwhatyouearn.com to dive deeper on our episodes Visit keepwhatyouearncfo.com to work with Shannon and her team Watch this episode and more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlIuZsrllp1Uc_MlhriLvQ Connect with Shannon on IG: https://www.instagram.com/shannonkweinstein/
From "Keep What You Earn"
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