I Gave My Kids Phones at Age 7 | Rick Jordan

06 Mar 2025 • 12 min • EN
12 min
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In this episode of ALL IN, I dive into a question I get asked all the time – what's the best age to give your kids a phone? I share my unconventional approach of giving all my kids their first iPhone at age 7 and the reasoning behind this decision. Initially, it was about safety and communication when they traveled alone to meet me on business trips, creating special one-on-one moments like visiting the Kennedy Space Center with my son or taking my daughter to see the dolphins at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. But the unexpected benefit has been the incredible memories captured from their perspective – videos and photos I never would have seen otherwise, giving me insight into their world. I address the judgment I've received from other parents and explain my philosophy of exposing kids to technology early in a controlled environment while maintaining important boundaries (like no devices at the dinner table and open-door policies for video calls with the opposite sex). Ultimately, this approach has helped my kids develop a healthy, mature relationship with technology that many adults still struggle with today. Connect: Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordan Subscribe & Review to ALL IN with Rick Jordan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RickJordanALLIN

From "ALL IN with Rick Jordan"

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