How Category Theory is Changing The Data Science Industry with Eric Daimler

25 May 2021 • 35 min • EN
35 min
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Episode Show Notes:  - Eric Daimler is the CEO & Co-Founder of Daimler is an authority in Artificial Intelligence with over 20 years of experience in the field as an entrepreneur, executive, investor, technologist, and policy advisor. Daimler has co-founded six technology companies that have done pioneering work in fields ranging from software systems to statistical arbitrage. - Daimler believes the Obama administration made big efforts to bring in more technologists into government for innovation and digital modernization, and is optimistic that sensibility around a digitally native environment will be expressed inside of the Federal Government, and continue to trickle down into states' governments for the benefit of all.  - Human failure has come before machines got trained on human failures. Therefore, technologists can't use massive amounts of data on every human problem and expect to come out with mind blowing results. So there's limitations on technology. What can be done is to transform these whole domains of knowledge and map them onto others through a new type of math. -There's a discovery in this domain called category theory. Categorical mathematics, category theory, is really at a level above all those other mathematics that transforms a problem from geometry, into another problem called safe set theory, applying it to databases. The math of category theory changes how we relate to data. This is “the math of the future”. -It's at a higher level of math, a level of abstraction to model the world in which companies operate their business, and make bigger decisions better and faster, reasoning large amounts of data at a higher level to power a whole new change in our environment, as business people, as academics, as citizens.  -Daimler suggests three ways to solve data issues: matching data in a unified database, create a silo and then they sell a subscription to data silos and data interoperability math analysis through category theory. -AI definition has been misinterpreted over the years as algorithms that collect data and have machines do stuff, when in reality, AI should be understood as a system that senses plans, acts and learns from the experience. And it senses plans and acts from inputs that are given to it.  -Not everyone needs to be a programmer in a basement. People need to be playing a multitude of roles. There's not just a choice between computer science or an English degree. What the current world of tech needs is policy considerations, places to get involved, and a way to focus educational efforts. Automation doesn't mean no human intervention. Societies benefit by that exchange of ideas and communication of values. Shownotes Links:    About HumAIn Podcast The HumAIn Podcast is a leading artificial intelligence podcast that explores the topics of AI, data science, future of work, and developer education for technologists. Whether you are an Executive, data scientist, software engineer, product manager, or student-in-training, HumAIn connects you with industry thought leaders on the technology trends that are relevant and practical. HumAIn is a leading data science podcast where frequently discussed topics include ai trends, ai for all, computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, data science, and reskilling and upskilling for developers. Episodes focus on new technology, startups, and Human Centered AI in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. HumAIn is the channel to release new AI products, discuss technology trends, and augment human performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

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