Hrvoje Morić - Geopolitics and Empire - Leaving Academia
Hrvoje Moric joins us for a great chat about his work and his journey from teaching this stuff to talking about it online and how badly he was deplatformed by Paypal and Patreon. We chat about the time when this happened, the disinfo board with Nina came out, the right wing global shift, the hot topics - war, election, Covid and now Climate Change? The new euro soviets fourth Reich, we are at war with the globalists, big intel and the NATO tear ists, vapour ware, neurolink and X are topics we also get into in the first half. In the second half we get into the pre cataclysmic Soaking theory, BRICS, currency collapse, resource based system, how they are all still on board with 2030, the new Bretton Woods, Idiocracy, Cultural Revolution, Mark Passio's work, Occultocracy, the biblical perspective, and the border securities industrial complex. https://geopoliticsandempire.com/bio/ To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed for audio and podcast please clink the link http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support. For second half of video (when applicable and audio) go to our Substack and Subscribe. https://grimericaoutlawed.substack.com/ or to our Locals https://grimericaoutlawed.locals.com/ or Rokfin www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Patreon https://www.patreon.com/grimericaoutlawed Support the show directly: https://grimerica.ca/support-2/ Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@OutlawedCanadians Our Adultbrain Audiobook Podcast and Website: www.adultbrain.ca Our Audiobook Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing/videos Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Other affiliated shows: www.grimerica.ca The OG Grimerica Show www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Our channel on free speech Rokfin Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/chat/b7af7266-771d-427f-978c-872a7962a6c2?messageId=c1e1c7cd-c6e9-4eaf-abc9-e6ec0be89ff3 Get your Magic Mushrooms delivered from: Champignon Magique Get Psychedelics online Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter http://www.grimerica.ca/news SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! graham@grimerica.com InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC Tru Northperception, Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com
From "Grimerica Outlawed"
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