How & Why I Do My CEO Days

27 Apr 2022 • 22 min • EN
22 min
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For the past few years every Monday is my CEO Day and these have become non-negotiable for me. They are a partial answer to the common complaint of, “I never have enough time to work on my business!” If you are waiting around to find the time, it’ll likely never come. That’s why it’s imperative to intentionally pre-plan it out and get it on the schedule. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is, or the frequency, that’s for you to decide. But having them gives you time for the things that help drive future success without leaving you scrambling to get everything done. Things like financial tracking and forecasting, content planning and creation, business development tasks, strategic planning, and more. In this episode I walk you through what I do and why it helps me keep momentum toward revenue growth without working more. Links: Plan for Profit:

From "The Sell it, Sister! Podcast"

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