How To Stop Feeling Shame & Guilt with Lois Hollis-Why do we feel guilty and how do we stop?

06 Dec 2023 • 54 min • EN
54 min
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I believe that each and every one of us has experienced the negative effects of feeling shame and guilt. This week's guest Lois Hollis was dying at 55. Last week she turned 80 years young! Lois is a shame guilt educator and she's got an important message-Shameful guilt is not only a dangerous emotion-it is deadly. Being closely tied suicide, Dr. David Hawkins calls it "the lowest energy frequency". Lois is here to tell us-Now is the time to release shame guilt from ourselves and avoid it from others. Where does it come from? Does it serve a purpose? How does it effect our mind and body? Lois answers these questions and zeros in on what we really want to know...HOW do we release it? How do we avoid taking it from others? She tells us shameful guilt doesn't belong to you-DON'T OWN IT! The guilt and shame are not yours! She describes them as nothing but a puff of green smoke and likens them to the wonderful all-powerful wizard behind the curtain...Shame and guilt dissolve in detection. This means that once we identify the emotion we can deny it. We can reframe with regret. We can feel anger, sadness and the full spectrum of our emotions, but Lois tells us-this one is a foreign energy and doesn't belong to us. This is a learning process and not an overnight fix, but learning to recognize, deny and cast out shame guilt can lead to relief of mental, emotional and even psychical symptoms that have long held us in a low vibration.   @shameguilt_

From "Good Words with Brandi Kelly"

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