Awkward Conversations That Save You Time & Money (Plus What Happened When I Put God First!)

22 Feb 2024 • 14 min • EN
14 min
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Have you ever wondered why your employees (or kids) can’t just figure out how to do a simple task? What would you say if I told you that you could change your entire business and all of your relationships with a few awkward conversations?  Links + Resources: Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here! Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT! Check out the program to Rewire YOU for Business & take your business to the next level! CONNECT WITH  CAYLA! Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft Website Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft Are you struggling to get the most out of your relationships in business and life? In this episode, I’ll show you how setting clear expectations is key to success! I’m diving into the importance of communicating what you need from others and having awkward conversations upfront to avoid future issues. You’ll also learn how to embrace people's differences and focus on growth through feedback and goal setting!  02:00 - Why I wrote a book on how to get what you want. (Get The Book Here) 03:30 - The most common reason that people suffer. 05:00 - What I learned from navigating a new business partnership. 06:30 - The top ways I prioritize my life. (What happened when I put God first!) 08:15 - How to set expectations with a new employee. 10:40 - My biggest lesson from multiple people quitting the same position within my company.

From "CRAFTED Millionaire"

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