How Justin McLeod made relationships matter at Hinge
When Justin McLeod decided he had to reboot Hinge, three years after he had founded the dating app service, he had his doubts. It took a member of his team to remind him: "You're the CEO. What's stopping you?" At the same time — and for many the same reasons — McLeod decided he needed to reboot his company: to create a transparent environment where colleagues were invested in their work and each other's success. At scale. It's why Hinge has an impressively small voluntary turnover rate of 3%. And it's not about the perks. "People actually work very hard at Hinge, but it's that they feel like they are part of a team," Justin told me for This Is Working. "They feel like they have a purpose. They're working with people who are like-minded and like-valued and just doing work that they love. And I think ultimately that's what allows people to feel fulfillment and feel a level of sustainability with their work." Listen in for McLeod's insights on how to manage relationships, teams, and an enterprise.
From "This Is Working with Daniel Roth"
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