Renowned entomologist Barrett Klein examines this phenomenon of how humans and insects relate on a cultural level in THE INSECT EPIPHANY. Our world would look quite different if we did not have insects—not just because they are pollinators who play a crucial role in our environments, but because they inspire so many aspects of our culture. “The spellbinding diversity of insects is complemented by a diversity of humans and cultures,” Klein says, resulting in boundless inspiration and innovation. THE INSECT EPIPHANY explores the ways we use insects’ bodies (for silk, pigments, food, medicine), how we try to recreate them (for flight technology, architecture, social structures), and how we mimic them (for fighting, yoga, music, fashion). He is the author of "The Insect Epiphany: How Our Six-Legged Allies Shape Human Culture." https://www.amazon.com/Insect-Epiphany-Six-Legged-Allies-Culture/dp/1643261363 http://www.yourlotandparcel.org
From "Your Lot and Parcel"
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