#1 - What Is Game Hub Umeå?
Welcome to our very first episode with your hosts Otto and Rune as well as our first guest Stefan Eriksson, the community manager for Game Hub Umeå. In this episode, we talk about what Game Hub Umeå is, and where it’s headed, crunch in the video games industry, incubators and what they can do for game developers, and more! Related Links: https://gamehubumea.se/ - The website for Game Hub Umeå. https://discord.gg/mYM72SQ9CP - The discord server for Game Hub Umeå, where all the magic happens! https://medium.com/@ottowretling – Otto’s blog. https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=RunicCodes&ndl=1&ignore_preferences=1- Rune’s steam page. https://store.speedtree.com/ - A tool for creating procedurally generated trees for game development. https://futuregames.se/ - A vocational school for game development. https://expressionumea.se/en/ - An incubator for the creative industries located in Umeå. https://expressionumea.se/en/program/express/- eXpression’s pre-incubation program.
From "House of Games"
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