HELENA ECHLIN (Clever Little Thing) is on the Radar!

15 Jan 2025 • 25 min • EN
25 min
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Acclaimed writer HELENA ECHLIN joins BOOKSTORM Podcast to discuss CLEVER LITTLE THING, her new psychological thriller! Charlotte’s daughter Stella is sensitive and brilliant, perhaps even a genius, but a recent change in her behavior has alarmed her mother. She’s mirroring her babvsitter’s personality … but the babysitter is dead. This story taps into so many intriguing concepts, including the question of whether parents know their children better than anyone else. We talk about those DNA connections, and even the spiritual and emotional ones, but what happens when a parent needs more help? Are we failures? What stops us as mothers from tapping into our instincts? We talk about neurodivergent children whose brains work differently than what is considered typical. What if one parent celebrates those differences and the other does NOT? Do children always know when anger and grief is simmering beneath the surface … and is that a huge source of stress for them? Should we show anger? WOW we tackle all the big topics with Helena, plus the thrills!!!!  Join us!! You can find more of your favorite bestselling authors at BOOKSTORM Podcast! We"re also on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube!


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