Helen Knight: Giving Rise to the Divine Feminine through Womb Awakening and Plant Medicines
Helen Knight is a medicine woman, womb awakener, healer, and Reiki master/teacher. Part of her healing work is helping highly sensitive people/empaths to know that their sensitivity is a gift, not a curse. As a medicine woman, she leads plant medicine ceremony retreats so that people can heal and learn to simply love being themselves. She is also a womb awakener which doesn’t sound very sexy until you learn that the womb is a woman’s portal to her powerful, magnetic divine feminine essence. Helen is all about getting women reconnected to their wombs and bodies so that they can tap into their own treasure chest full of their power, love, pleasure, passion, intuition, magnetism, voice, creativity and so much more! The time has come to access the portal that lays within the womb, giving women access to their divine feminine power. Here’s to the rise of the sacred feminine. Episode Highlights ▶ How Helen discovered she was a highly sensitive person and found her way as a Healer ▶ What Helen was doing with her clients and why she felt called to join Beth’s mastermind program ▶ Helen’s six month Feminine Reclamation Program and how she helps women get in touch with their emotions and experience womb awakenings ▶ The primary drivers that bring women to the womb awakening work that Helen offers ▶ How women can begin to allow more support and ease from the masculine ▶ How womb-work can impact the planet and the need for women to heal their masculine energies ▶ The alchemy that happens when plant medicine is paired with womb-work and how you activate womb consciousness ▶ The true power of group programs and the support you get ▶ The ways that you life can change when you join Beth’s mastermind and what it can do for your business ▶ The lack of balance between feminine and masculine energies Helen Knight’s Links & Resources ▶ Website: https://www.dreamtimehealings.com ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamtimehealings ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heleknightdreamtimehealings/ ▶YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@helenknightatdreamtimeheal3093 ▶ Become Magnetic: Drawing in Your Desires Through the Womb: https://dreamtimehealings.com/free-gift-from-helen-knight/ Download Beth's free trainings here: Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business ▶ Beth’s Coaching Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching ▶Other Offerings: https://bethaweinstein.com/services ▶ Instagram: / bethaweinstein ▶FB: / bethw.nyc & / bethweinsteinbiz ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines
From "Medicine for These Times with Beth Weinstein"
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