Health Anxiety, Parasites and the Worst Things We've Done for Wellness with Elizabeth Endres
Elizabeth Endres is the founder of Sweats and the City and Orro App, and the host of The Wellness Process podcast. She joins the show to talk about the delicate balance between being your own health advocate and becoming health obsessed, having health anxiety, why there is always an emotional root to physical symptoms, how journal speak changed her life, and wellness practices she cannot get behind. We also talk about our shared, weird diagnosis of Toxo (parasites) and why she believes in annual cleanses that are normal in other cultures. This episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct, or indirect financial interest in products, or services referred to in this episode. Visit and use code BLONDE to get $10 off your first month’s subscription & free shipping. Visit and use code BLONDE at checkout to get your first month free. That’s S-O-A-A-K dot com slash BLONDE, and use code BLONDE for the free first month. Visit for 50% off of Qualia Senolytic and code BLONDE at checkout for an additional 15% off. Go to for 15% off a 5-day nutrition program. Visit and use BLONDE for 20% off your first purchase. Go to for 365-day returns, plus free shipping on your order! Produced by Dear Media See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
From "Well with Arielle Lorre"
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