Matt Ehret - Rising Tide Foundation - The Great Game - Untold Canada
Matt Ehret joins us for a history lesson about Canada that we don't learn as Canadians, the deep controls in Canadian Politics, The British Empire, Banking, Synthetic Cults, Jesuits, Hope for the middle of Canada, and The Round Table Movement. We also chat about the demographic crisis, Anomalous Pope and President deaths, Cultural Revolutions, The Inquiry, Shiller, Milner and Rhodes. In the second half we get deeper into those that pull strings, Club of Rome, the Green Economy, how the Oligarchy keeps messing up, The Consciousness Wildcard, The fundamental truths they get wrong, Putin and the multi polar world, climate gate, Canada's Crown Land, Natural Law, Israel being used as a pawn all along, and the slow crash into the new system. See Matt's amazing work and books below! https://risingtidefoundation.net/ https://canadianpatriot.org/ Matthew is a journalist and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University of Moscow and host of The Great Game on Rogue News. He has authored the book series “The Untold History of Canada” and the recently published book series “The Clash of the Two Americas.” To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed for audio and podcast please clink the link http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support. For second half of video (when applicable and audio) go to our Substack and Subscribe. https://grimericaoutlawed.substack.com/ or to our Locals https://grimericaoutlawed.locals.com/ Help support the show, because we can't do it without ya. If you value this content with 0 ads, 0 sponsorships, 0 breaks, 0 portals and links to corporate websites, please assist. Many hours of unlimited content for free. Thanks for listening!! Support the show directly: https://www.patreon.com/grimerica Our Audiobook Site: www.adultbrain.ca Our Audiobook Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing/videos Grimerica Media Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grimerica/featured Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Other affiliated shows: https://www.13questionspodcast.com/ Our New Podcast - 13 Questions www.grimerica.ca The OG Grimerica Show www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Our channel on free speech Rokfin Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/chat/b7af7266-771d-427f-978c-872a7962a6c2?messageId=c1e1c7cd-c6e9-4eaf-abc9-e6ec0be89ff3 Get your Magic Mushrooms delivered from: Champignon Magique Mushroom Spores, Spore Syringes, Best Spore Syringes,Grow Mushrooms Spores Lab Get Psychedelics online Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter http://www.grimerica.ca/news SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! graham@grimerica.com InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Tweet Darren https://twitter.com/Grimerica Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ ART Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC Tru Northperception, Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com
From "Grimerica Outlawed"
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