Good stress is medicine | Sharon Bergquist, M.D.

09 Mar 2025 • 62 min • EN
62 min
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“Good stressors are the most powerful medicine we have,” explains Sharon Horesh Bergquist, M.D. Bergquist, an award-winning physician, innovative healthcare leader, and researcher, joins us today to explain why stress is actually a good thing, how to optimize our exercise routines, plus so much more:  - The difference between good & bad stress (~2:20) - Exercise as a stressor (~3:15) - Zone 2 & HIIT (~4:45) - The 80/20 rule (~6:20) - Vigorous exercise (~11:10) - The power of intervals (~13:40) - Mitochondrial health (~15:00) - The balance between too much & not enough stress (~21:15) - The benefits of plant toxins (~24:28) - Hot/cold therapy (~30:10) - Temp & timing for cold exposure (~34:50) - Heat exposure (~43:10) - Temp & timing for heat exposure (~46:40) - Gender differences in stress exposure (~48:50) - Circadian fasting (~51:00) - Impactful takeaways (~54:45) - How to instill growth mindset in younger generations (~56:05) Referenced in the episode:  - Follow Bergquist on Instagram (@thegoodstressdoctor) - Check out her website (  - Pick up her book, The Stress Paradox - Research on vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (  - Research on interval-walking training (DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.22.14263-5)  - Global Burden of Disease Study (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32279-7)  - Research on stress & biological age (  Go to to see how you can receive $25 towards your first stock purchase and to view important disclosures We hope you enjoy this episode, and feel free to watch the full video on YouTube! Whether it's an article or podcast, we want to know what we can do to help here at mindbodygreen. Let us know at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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