Episode #56 - Patrick Henningsen and the Singularity That is Trump
One week from the U.S. election and everything is coming together into a perfect singular moment. This election has become a singular point in time that will tell us what the world will look like on the other side of it. We are truly entering a black hole and it all depends on what statement the American people make on November 3rd. Will the forces of collective control beat down the natural human opposition to tyranny or will we sink further into the depths of cultural depravity. I know what I'm rooting for. It's too bad so many don't see the larger picture. Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire most certainly does and this week's chat is a great one to focus our attention on the consequences of an election for the ages. Show Notes: 21st Century Wire https://21stcenturywire.com
From "Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast"
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