GLP-1 Drugs- The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown

20 Feb 2025 • 44 min • EN
44 min
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GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic™ and Wegovy™ do a great job at helping folks lose large amounts of weight, but there is emerging evidence that the benefits go well beyond achieving a healthy weight. And then there is the dark side…can they also harm?  In this episode, Dr. Alexandra Sowa, an internist who is certified in obesity medicine, and the author of the just published book The Ozempic Revolution: A Doctor's Proven Plan for Success to Help You Reverse Obesity, End Yo-Yo Dieting, and Protect Yourself from Disease discusses the impact of the GLP-1 drugs throughout the body.  How GLP-1s work New drugs on the horizon Benefits beyond weight loss Cardiovascular health Kidney health Brain health Sleep Apnea Liver health Addiction management Cancer Depression? Eye Health Thyroid problems Hair loss Muscle loss Maximizing success Maintenance Compounding pros and cons If any doctor can prescribe a GLP1  The advantage of seeing an obesity specialist Advocating for insurance coverage MidiHealth provides high-level menopause care and also offers a comprehensive weight management program including access to GLP-1 drugs. Dr. Alexandra Sowa Dr. Alexandra Sowa is a dual board-certified physician in internal and obesity medicine and author of the groundbreaking book The Ozempic Revolution. With over a decade of clinical experience, Dr. Sowa has become a leading voice in metabolic health, specializing in GLP-1 medications and their transformative role in tackling obesity and chronic illness.      Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She is a certified menopause practitioner of The Menopause Society. She is the Medical Director of Community Education and Outreach for Midi Health.  Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine. Dr. Streicher is on SUBSTACK • Articles • Monthly newsletter • Monthly News Flash Reports on recent research • Monthly Zoom Q and A Webinar • To SUBSCRIBE to Dr. Streicher’s Substack Instagram @DrStreich Facebook @DrStreicher YouTube @DrStreicherTV LinkedIn @DrStreicher                    Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER    Books by Lauren Streicher, MD    Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain    Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy                                      To Find a Menopause Clinician   Midi Health Midi Health is a telehealth company that provides high-level menopause care and takes insurance in all 50 states. Dr. Streicher is Midi’s Medical Director of Education and Community Outreach and is familiar with their medical protocols, which are all regularly updated and set by the top academic menopause experts in the country.    The Menopause Society- Certified Menopause Practitioner List To find a menopause practitioner: Put in your zip code and designate NCMP or CMSP to get a certified menopause practitioner. While everyone on this list has passed a competency examination, Dr. Streicher does not vouch for every one of these clinicians. Most are excellent.    Major Medical Centers It also may be helpful to check with major medical centers in your area. Many have menopause clinics or lists of doctors who have an interest and expertise in menopause.     If you are in the Chicago area, the center founded by Dr. Streicher:  The Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause    Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information podcast is for education and information and is not intended to replace medical advice from your personal healthcare clinician. Dr. Streicher disclaims liability for any medical outcomes that may occur because of applying methods suggested or discussed in this podcast.                

From "Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information: Menopause, Midlife, and More"

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