Episode 28 - The Return of Krystal Ball
Ben plays a sadly evergreen Michael Brooks clip about U.S. aggression toward Iran. Krystal Ball comes on to get into Biden"s uninspiring firs two weeks in office. Ben and Forrest do a deep dive on Biden"s terrible record. David Griscom talks George Jones. There"s a preview of Ben"s conversation with Doug Lain about free speech and tech censorship. Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want! Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats. Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA Visit benburgis.com SHOW LESS
From "Give Them An Argument"
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