Getting Ideas Out Of Your Head To Focus On The One Thing
This time the focus is on overcoming scatterbrain and shiny penny syndrome by organising thoughts and prioritising actions. Natalie emphasises the importance of getting ideas out of your head by writing them down and creating a mind map to identify priorities, and encourages listeners to focus on one task at a time, like spinning plates in a circus act, before moving on to the next. KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on getting rid of scatterbrain and shiny penny syndrome by unscrambling your thoughts and prioritising them. Write down your ideas as soon as they come to you and brainstorm the possibilities that stem from them. Prioritise your thoughts by categorising them into non-negotiables, urgent tasks, and important tasks. Start spinning one plate at a time by focusing on the most important task first before moving on to others. Remember to add the why behind your actions to stay disciplined, take consistent action, and make progress towards your goals. BEST MOMENTS "Thoughts become things and getting the things out, saying them, writing them, really helps you to understand what it is that you can put onto your plate and how many plates you can spin." "Life's too short to be miserable, so you should do the things that you enjoy." "Remember, thoughts become things. So when you've done that, you want to get that first plate spinning." "You are one of the amazing oceans in the world with the ebbs and flows of the tide, that wants to make things happen, that brings life and soul to your life." "If this is something that you need help with, and you think I'm the right person to hold your hand, or you would like to have a conversation with me about how I can help you, just email team at nataliearabella.com." VALUABLE RESOURCES https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidententrepreneurscollective http://www.nataliearabella.com/club Consultation Call Booking - https://calendly.com/natalie-arabella-bailey/confidencecollective ABOUT THE HOST Natalie Bailey, a Property Developer, Coach, and Mentor, boasts a decade of business acumen, from Bars to Gyms and eCommerce. Now partnered with her mother, Paula, in property development, she empowers others to find confidence and success in health, wealth, and happiness. Her Better Together initiative combats loneliness, aiding entrepreneurs through the Confident Entrepreneurs Club, Mastermind groups, and Retreats. Bridging Mallorca and London, Natalie embodies her teachings. Fitness, wealth, and happiness intertwine in her holistic approach. Dive deeper at www.nataliearabella.com for coaching plans and more info. CONTACT US FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/nataliearabellabailey LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliegoldstarbep/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/nataliearabellabailey/ Clubhouse- https://www.clubhouse.com/@nataliearabella TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@nataliearabellab Email - team@nataliearabella.com
From "Mindset Muscle & Money"
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