From motivation to automation: how to create change through consistent habits - with Julie DeLucca-Collins of Go Confidently Coaching
#170: Julie DeLucca-Collins is a certified Tiny Habits and Thrive Global Coach, a speaker, podcaster, and top selling author. She explains the way we automate certain behaviours, why you can’t rely on motivation to achieve results and how to change the neural pathways in your brain. What you’ll learn[2:11] How Julie learned what makes people successful. [6:26] The benefits of working in corporate America. [8:20] How Julie found out about the power of habits and habit creation. [10:23] Why you can’t rely on motivation to change. [12:25] How to create a habit. [13:35] The link between habits and emotions. [15:05] The best way to build tiny habits. [17:50] How to celebrate yourself without being cringy. [21:04] Why you should always acknowledge your achievements. [22:40] What happens in your brain when you make a new habit. [24:17] Common misunderstandings about neuroplasticity. [25:35] Techniques to make it easier to rewire your brain. [28:29] The human brain"s ability to change. [29:50] How long it takes to form a new habit. [31:43] How to know what habits will serve you best. [35:07] The best way to manage your inbox. [36:30] What to do if you stop practising a good habit. [42:42] Why easy wins are so important. [44:50] The strength of old habits and how to break them. [49:10] Using apps to help you build habits. [50:22] What causes addictive behaviours and how to overcome them. Resources mentioned in this episode Please note that some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase. This helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you.How Habits Give Us the Confidence to Dance in Life | Julie Delucca-Collins | TEDxMellen StreetPat Flynn, Smart Passive IncomeTiny Habits, BJ FoggTiny Habits free five day habits coachingJoe WicksHabitBull app For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit: Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don"t really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you! Take me to the exercises! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
From "Change Work Life"
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