From Cringe to Confidence: Mastering Embarrassing Memories ep15
I recently asked for listener input for situations that you're struggling with and would like some help reframing. One woman reached out and shared: "How do I overcome embarrassing memories? I think about them in the middle of the night and then I'm up all night with anxiety." Why do we get embarrassed? The root cause seems that we're anticipating a negative evaluation from others. We think that the image of ourselves we'd like to portray has been undermined and that it creates a negative impression of who we are. We're worried they'll judge us based on that interaction-but in reality-we're judging ourselves worse that they ever could or would! Instead f trying to forget it, it may be helpful to accept it and even laugh at it. Talk to a trusted friend or relative who can help you see the humor in the situation. Remember that we all make mistakes and NO ONE thinks about us as much as we think about ourselves. What you're focusing on is in the past-focus forward. It's totally ok to visit past memories, they can be a compass and guide us in the direction we don't want to go. Just don't stay there! You can analyze the circumstances and see where you can redirect and make adjustments. You can even list 5 your top 5 cringe worthy memories then really as yourself-was it really that big of a deal? Was it the end of the world? So what if I did or said something silly? If you hurt yourself, someone else or altered relationships then this is an opportunity to self reflect and use it to alter your choices and actions, but if not-give yourself a great big break!! Do you allow yourself to make mistakes?? How would you think of or judge your child, best friend, sister if they did or said the same thing or something similar? Would it carry the same weight? Would it keep you up at night? It's time to set the past down, you're not headed there. In these moments give yourself the grace you'd give to a loved one and allow yourself to be human. If you need a reminder that we all do things we aren't proud of you can call and swap stories with me... Remember, these feelings are based on what you think other people are thinking about you. Repeat this mantra-I am who I think you think I am You are so loved.
From "Good Words with Brandi Kelly"
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