Our first Freezer Stash release is an interview with Sister Kate, who declared herself a nun in 2014 and has dedicated herself to compassionate activism. Sister Kate and the Sisters of the Valley make the grow hemp in a spiritual environment, specifically a farm outside of Merced, California.The documentary Breaking Habits covers Sister Kate"s fascinating pre-cannabis life. The sisters" production calendar is based on the cycles of the moon. The company is based outside of Merced, California. Follow the Sisters online at: www.facebook.com/sistersofthevalley www.sistersofcbd.com/ twitter.com/sistersofcbd Alex Halperin"s Cannabis Dictionary www.amazon.com/Cannabis-Dictiona…rin/dp/1784726605 Sign up for free WeedWeek newsletters, to get weekly info on North America’s most interesting industry delivered to your inbox. www.weedweek.net/newsletter Email us your comments, questions or suggestions at hello@weedweek.net Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: twitter.com/weedweeknewsinstagram.com/weedweeknews
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