Episode #95 Marie Forleo
Figure It Out | Join the author of the New York Times bestseller, Everything Is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo, as shares her journey of understanding who she was supposed to be and how finding the power to change will push you to find who you are. Subscribe to the FranklinCovey On Leadership email newsletter and receive weekly videos, tools, articles, and podcasts to help you become a better leader. ow.ly/tH5E30kAxfj Everything Is Figureoutable: Take a proactive approach to things that will cause you to react. Start by thinking very carefully about what you may face in the short, mid, and long term. https://resources.franklincovey.com/blog/everything-is-figureoutable?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=on_leadership Shift Your Paradigms: Get breakthrough results by assessing your mental maps. http://pages.franklincovey.com/2020-Q3-NL-Mar24_Newsletter-Tool-Download.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=tool&utm_campaign=on_leadership
From "FranklinCovey On Leadership with Scott Miller"
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