For Those With EARS TO HEAR on "A Relevant Word" w/Pastor Carl Gallups
For Those With EARS TO HEAR on "A Relevant Word" w/Pastor Carl Gallups ~ EA Truth Radio What exactly did Jesus MEAN when He said "those with ears to hear"? ... Longtime Pastor & Bestselling Author, Pastor Carl Gallups ... takes on this topic in this riveting episode of "A RELEVANT WORD" on EA Truth Radio! TUNE IN HERE TODAY! YOU DON"T WANT TO MISS THIS! This blessed partnership with Pastor Carl Gallups and Eternal Affairs TRUTH Media has been ordained by the Lord God Almighty! We"re now continuing into our 2nd season! Tune in below! Thank you for listening & showing your support! Our Hosts" viewpoints don"t always reflect what EA TRUTH Media believes as a whole! We invite you to chat with us on social media about our shows using hashtag #EATruthRadio VISIT PASTOR CARL GALLUPS ONLINE AT www.CarlGallups.com ~ !!! *** Visit our Media Site at www.EternalAffairsMedia.com *** *** Please Consider Planting A SEED IN OUR MINISTRY! *** *** Sign up for our FREE Email Newsletter! *** *** Sign up and become a Monthly Patron for EXCLUSIVE PERKS! *** *** Use Discount Code "WWG1WGA" for 1-month FREE of Truth Premium -- https://premium.eamedia.online ;-) You can also send Bitcoin via The Lightning Network: watchmancbiz@strike.me PAYPAL https://donate.eamedia.online CASH APP $eamediaonline https://cash.app/$eamediaonline GET YOUR COPY OF PASTOR CARL"S LATEST BOOK: Eyes to See: Is Our World Ready for the Coming Visitation? Stunning Revelations from the Word of God That Help Make Sense of Our Epic, Prophetic Times at: https://carl.eamedia.online Have a Question, Comment, Suggestion, Prayer Request? Heck! Do you just want to SAY HI? ... hit us up today! Support the show
From "(EA) Eternal Affairs TRUTH Radio"
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