Simplifying to Scale Your Business with Kelsey Murphy
Welcome back to the Well Oiled Operations podcast! Today I am sitting down with my friend Kelsey Murphy. Kelsey has a really impressive background, she was a career and business coach for a variety of Fortune 500 companies. Companies like Facebook and Twitter, also working with incredible entrepreneurs such as Kelly LeVeque who works as Jessica Alba's nutritionist! Kelsey works with really amazing people and she is also the host of the Whiskey and Work podcast! Today we talk about: Kelsey's business journey, how she navigates building a minimalist but lucrative business that works in a busy schedule Her coaching techniques and what she teaches her clients about marketing themselves and talking about the results they get for their own clients Tracking metrics and how to adjust when you understand your numbers Preparing for maternity leave as a business owner, what she needed to do in order to take time off without the business suffering How she created boundaries in her business while she was off with her newborn Her goals for 2023 and simplifying her business I love talking with other business owners who are mastering the balance between parent and CEO. It lights me up to hear that busy entrepreneurs are realizing how important it is to get their time freedom back and like Kelsey, are putting those systems in place to allow for time off without their business suffering. This episode is inspiring, I hope you enjoy! Did you love today’s episode? 1. Take a screenshot and share it to your IG stories. Tag me @stacytuschl! 2. Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! _______________ Ways to work with Stacy: 1. Snag our most talked about System - How to Hire an A-Player Assistant in 14 Days Or Less Here. http://www.aplayerassistant.com 2. To learn more about Well-Oiled Operations click here.
From "Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl"
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