Flindt Andersen: Man on a Mission

01 Feb 2024 • 65 min • EN
65 min
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Action needs to be taken.  Changes must be made.  What we"re doing with treatment, services, and stopping the flow of drugs into this country is NOT working, and what"s happening can no longer be ignored.  190 people overdose and die EVERYDAY in America.  That"s equivalent to a 747 airplane.  Can you imagine if a 747 crashed EVERYDAY - can you imagine what the media coverage would be?   Running a treatment facility, tirelessly advocating for better treatment and services for addicts, working to install Narcan (emergency treatment for overdoses) into schools and other necessary facilities, and spreading an urgent message on fentanyl and its devastating affect on society are a few things that Flindt Andersen is focused on EVERYDAY.  He and I dive in on the inconvenient truths around all of these topics.

From "Dan Karaty If I'm Being Honest"

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