How To Stay Happy In An Insane World - Aaron Clarey #5045
We all know the world has become even more insane than usual lately. But how do you stay centered and remain happy while the Western world implodes? This is the challenge of our current world. Aaron and I come up with some ways to handle the meltdown. Number 1 is state management. You are responsible for what you think and whether your thoughts are negative or positive. You need to program yourself to be positive, no matter what the world situation. There are always things to be grateful for and reasons to remain positive. That doesn't mean escape from reality. You're responsible for your thoughts. We also discussed Aaron's new book The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women. It's must reading for young men and women. It will give you a clear way to measure the value of a person you may be pursuing. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3244966/advertisement
From "Financial Survival Network"
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