Felix Velarde on Building a Culture of Success in Agencies
Minter Dialogue with Felix Velarde (re-release) This year, I released 47 new episodes on the Minter Dialogue podcast and we had listeners from 113 countries with the top 3 being the US, UK and India. But there’s also Jamaica, Botswana, Bahrain, Mongolia and Turks & Caicos. At this point, with the pod running since 2010, I just five more episodes to go before hitting number 600 (at number 595) and I want to thank you for all your support and words of encouragement. I am grateful to have your ear and precious time once a week. As we step into the new year, I wanted to re-release the top 3 episodes of the year in terms of popularity. Coming in at number 2 was the conversation I had with serial entrepreneur, author Felix Velarde. Felix Velarde is a serial entrepreneur, with a long track record in the agency side of the business. He's currently CEO at The 2Y3X® Programme, chair and board advisor, and Partner and Chief Strategy Officer at AVA Acquisitions. He's also a keynote speaker and the author of "Scale at Speed: How to Triple the Size of Your Business and Build a Superstar Team," published by Robinson. In this conversation, we discuss his book, the importance of creating a good company culture, establishing appropriate goals, governance, ethics, branding and much more. If you've got comments or questions you'd like to see answered, send your email or audio file to nminterdial@gmail.com; or you can find the show notes and comment on minterdial.com. If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast channel, to rate/review the show. Otherwise, you can find me @mdial on Twitter. You can also find the original episode on YouTube here.
From "Leadership, Brand Strategy & Transformation - Minter Dialogue"
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