Dax Shepard & Johann Hari , Experts on Experts

Johann Hari

14 Mar 2019 • 145 min • EN
145 min
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Johann Hari is a Swiss English author and journalist. Johann sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss the many factors  that have impacted his research on addiction and mental health, he explains why he is disillusioned by the idea that addiction is purely chemical, and he talks about the importance of community and love in depressive people. Johann talks about his own personal experience with anti-depressants, trauma and familial addiction that led him to his exploration. Dax debates Johann about the importance of tough love and he wonders if models of rehabilitation in other countries can be mapped on to America.  Johann is the author of Chasing the Scream and Lost Connections: Uncovering the real causes of depression and the unexpected solutions.

From "Experts on Experts"

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