The BOOTS Formula: Reinventing The Life You’ve Always Wanted With Sheila Mac
We live in a very busy world that it becomes so easy to lose ourselves in our work. It is time to come back to ourselves and reinvent life the way we have always wanted. In this episode, Sheila Mac, the author of Boot Straps & Bra Straps, offers valuable insights on finding that balance between business and personal life. With her BOOTS Formula, she talks about how to bounce back and take action after hitting rock bottom. Sheila then delves into maintaining balance in one's personal life while pursuing financial freedom. She offers strategies for prioritizing spending and making conscious choices that align with long-term financial goals while enjoying a fulfilling social life. Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights from Sheila’s personal and professional experiences and learn how to apply the BOOTS Formula to overcome setbacks, achieve financial stability, and find a renewed purpose in life. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!
From "Exit Rich"
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