Kevin Miller & Lori Harder , The Kevin Miller Podcast

Evolving Past The Ties That Bind In Your Family of Origin w/ Lori Harder

28 Mar 2025 • 68 min • EN
68 min
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Just over a year ago, my father died. I was 53. Thousands of people testified to his positive impact in their lives. Me included. And…the event helped me reveal some patterns I’d repeated, that were not constructive for my life. One of the stories I share in my book, What Drives You, is that of Lori Harder. Lori was raised in a very strict, religious family. She cites they were very sedentary and most of their family time out of church, existed on the couch watching TV and eating junk food. There were all very overweight and it led to her being significantly bullied in school. But then a visit to a friend’s home opened her eyes to a different world. One of an active and healthy lifestyle with very different engagements to the world. She ultimately became a fitness model and today leads a large organization leading people to pursue their more evolved self. So I’m bringing back our conversation from years ago, before I put her in my book, to hear her story. And how it led her to focus on our “tribes.” My focus is on the power of who we surround ourselves with. Are they influences that are helping us evolve, or devolve? And in today's culture, we’ve also got to watch out for isolation where we don’t really have a tribe any longer. You can find Lori Harder…anywhere. Just type it in as it sounds, L O R I. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at Go to and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

From "The Kevin Miller Podcast"

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