1. Dr Sarah Ballantyne
Dr Sarah Ballantyne is a medical biophysicist, mum and bestselling author of Paleo Principles and The Paleo Approach, just to name a few. To find out more about Dr Sarah Ballantyne go to ThePaleoMom.com. Listen in as I ask Dr Sarah:* How she learned about the Paleo approach* The best way to transition to Paleo* What is auto-immune disease, and the Paleo Auto-Immune Protocol* Her ingredients for a happy recipe for life! You'll also discover:* How she turned her life around from having obesity and Type 2 Diabetes* Understanding food beyond calories - understanding nutrition* A small time commitment to cook whole foods will make you feel better* How to plan ahead to make sure your kids enjoy food at birthday parties!* How the Paleo template out-performs many other ways of eating to reverse poor health* The promising clinical trials of the Paleo Auto-Immune Protocol which are currently underway* Just because ill health and fatigue are common, doesn't mean it's normal. We're entitled to health and longevity! A couple of things Sarah said resonated with me:"Mommy, I like food now because I never have tummy aches anymore!""My life as a whole is under control, it feels like I'm an active participant in it." I'd love to know your thoughts and experiences - join the conversation on my Facebook page. I'd love to spread the knowledge in these podcasts far and wide. If you liked this episode, I'd love it if you could share it with your friends, and perhaps even leave a review on iTunes. Theme music by Mandharu - https://goo.gl/DAztoQ
From "Evolve with Pete Evans"
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