Everyday Buddhism 101 - Words From My Teachers Episode 2

11 Dec 2023 • 23 min • EN
23 min
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In this episode of Words From My Teachers, an Everyday Buddhism podcast, I am reading the first five chapters from The Center Within by Rev. Gyomay Kubose: Awareness A Shining Star Buddha Nature and Gassho Buddhism Is Everyday Life Empty-Handed I hope you enjoy these readings and I hope you will take my suggestion and cue to do some reflection at the end of each essay. As my teacher, Rev. Koyo Kubose taught, "Don't just read. Ask yourself how you can use what you heard? How can you add it to your spiritual toolbox?" This is the last of the episodes released in full as public episodes, so be sure to subscribe to receive 5 essay readings weekly. And please share this feed using the convenient "Share" button on the Substack post. Subscribe to Words From My Teachers Premium Podcast ***************************************** For more about Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism: Bright Dawn.org

From "Everyday Buddhism: Making Everyday Better"

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