Episode 83: Sharing my truth on managing our shadow + the sisterhood wound
Permission to Shine Podcast EP83: Sharing my truth on managing our shadow + the sisterhood wound I'll only every give you my truth. As I say its in the darkness we find the light. In this episode I take you through my shadow and dive into to unspoken wound of the divine feminine - sisterhood. This episode is raw, honest and unapologetic if this is your vibe then please do listen! Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6wieY1qeXjz81jzF4cmleH?si=50a84b9f29044c71 Sherisse Bisram Inner Power Activation Leader Intuitive Healer (for Women + Girls) Content for everyone! Become The Iconic Leader Free workshop: https://sherissebisram.com/become-the-iconic-leader Blog: https://sherissebisram.com/blog To create lasting transformation in your life get lifetime access to my program Permission to Shine Self Study here: https://sherissebisram.com/selfstudy Drop me a DM on my Socials Sherisse_bisram on all platforms! https://www.instagram.com/sherisse_bisram/ #podcast #breakthroughpodast #empoweringwomen #overcomingobstacles
From "Permission to Shine with Sherisse Bisram"
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