Ruchira Chaudhary is an author, educator, coach, and consultant who straddles the corporate and academic worlds. With over two decades of experience in emerging markets, she is a leading executive coach, adjunct faculty at several top-tier business schools, and runs a boutique consulting firm focused on organizational strategy solutions. Here are a few highlights about Ruchira:Author of the acclaimed book "Coaching: The Secret Code to Uncommon Leadership";Expert in coaching, leadership development, and organizational strategy; and,Recipient of several awards in the field of women’s leadership. In this episode, Ruchira and I chat about:Her leadership roles Her leadership style Her leadership journey The leaders that helped her rise The challenges she faced on her journey How she navigated those challenges How she thinks you can become a strong and kind leader Her ‘take home’ leadership messages for the listeners, and What she is currently excited to be working on. Ruchira can be found and contacted via the following online platform addresses: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruchira-chaudhary-89757b/ Coaching: The Secret Code to Uncommon Leadership https://ruchirachaudhary.com/resources/#emeritus Please reach out to Dr Harrison for individual coaching and/or organisational training via dr.adam@coachingmentoringdoctors.com. His web address and social media profile links / handles include: www.dradamharrison.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/dradamharrison/ www.youtube.com/c/DrAdamPhysicianCoach https://www.facebook.com/coachingmentoringdoctors/ https://www.instagram.com/dradamharrison/
From "Inspiring Women Leaders"
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