Send us a text Ever battled with the relentless force of comparisonitis? It"s that nagging little voice that compares your journey to everyone else’s, making you feel inadequate. Well, I"ve been there, and I"ve got some powerful tools to share on how to conquer it. Listen as I narrate my own personal combat with comparisonitis during my recovery period after a C-section and my journey into the world of entrepreneurship. Learn how to create your own pace, focus on your path and use the power of I am statements to shape your daily realities. Searching for the right teaching program can be as daunting as charting the course of a new business. I found myself right at the heart of this experience, with little relevant experience to rely on. Yet, I kept my determination burning, asking different questions until I found a program that was right for me. My journey to becoming an internationally accredited teacher in Iowa was far from a walk in the park, but with perseverance and determination, I made it. Now, I"m inviting you on this journey of self-discovery. Learn how to pen down your I am statements to unlock your potential, and how determination can help you leap over any obstacle. Let"s together make these powerful affirmations a part of our daily routine and witness the transformation unfold. Connect on Instagram @CaitiCourtier Leave a review on itunes (screenshot before submitting) and email the screenshot to StartRisingPodcast@gmail.com for a snapshot of Books and Podcasts that I’ve been loving, perfect addition for mind nourishment Check out Empowered Brand on Etsy, for your own Empowered statement shirt https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpoweredBrand
From "Start Rising Podcast"
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