Episode 415 “Programming Actionable Items and Implementation at any Budget”
Keys to a Successful Program: The goal of this podcast is to give coaches some action items that are easily implemented. Some Testing to see where athletes are: ROM AssessmentsSpeed and JumpingPower and Athletic Indexes How to implement the finding and keys to the success of that implementation: 1st Warm Ups Designed to Target Joints in a Specific Way ending with Speed Prep and Timing KPIs 2nd At Home Programs and Extra Warm Ups and Cool Downs to Target Individual Deficiencies 3rd1st Phase of the Day is the Fastest (Power, Ballistics, and Speed) 4th 2nd Phase of the Day is Strength Qualities, Reactive Properties, & Clean Technique 5th 3rd Phase Assistance Specific to Speed and Athletic Performance Finally, implement a simple Cool Down To gather low hanging fruit: Spend time gathering information about exact goal setting, sleep hygiene, nutrition, and outside stressors to ensure specificity. Visit: https://www.mashelite.com for our EBooks and Programming. Sign up for the newsletter To Join the Online Team: https://www.bridgeathletic.com/store/thenewteammasheliteperformance-1629 Please support our sponsors: https://gymaware.com/ https://www.riseindoorsports.com/ https://www.swiftperformance.com/ https://www.shredmill.com/
From "Barbell Life"
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