In this episode, I go over what to expect from future episodes of The Barbell Life Podcast including: Latest in Recovery, Sleep, and Nutrition-How to Stimulate your Desired Training Adaptation-Easy to Understand Reviews of the Latest Research -The Barbell of Course with Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and SuperTotal Information -Youth Development with the Barbell -Free Programming -The Latest in Health and Fitness especially Longevity -Speed and Agility Development -Athlete Development from Youth to AdultThe Main show discussed: Concentric Contractions: Adaptations: Motor Unit Rate Coding, Especially at high rate force due to higher cross bridge detachment rates Muscle Fiber Pennation Angle due to shortening without the counter stretch which creates less of an angle Examples: Squats from Pins 2.Cleans or Pulls 3.Smith Machine Presses to throwsGood for: Mimics concentric only athletic movements like the start of a sprintOverloads a contraction that is normally aided with passive forceRead about this in-depth: https://gymaware.com/adaptations-from-concentric-muscular-contractions/ Eccentric Contractions: Adaptations: Overall Improvements of the SSC *Improved Stored Elasticity from noncontractile elastic components. *Improved Stored Elasticity from contractile elastic components especially from strengthened titin protein filaments. *Type II Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy *All leading to: * Improved Strength *Higher Rates of Force Production *Improved Power at Specific RatesExamples of ways to Apply Eccentric Muscular Contractions: Accentuated Eccentric Loading (AEL): Weight Releasers before Maximum Loads (strengthened connective tissue and improved strength) *Weight Releasers before Submaximum Loads (strengthened power production especially strength speed qualities of strength) *Held DB to Unloaded Jumps (RFD, SSC, and Speed Strength) *Flywheel Training (Adaptation depends on the Application) *Overloaded Eccentric Contractions from movements like the Squat and DeadliftRead about Eccentric Contractions and their Adaptations at: https://gymaware.com/adaptations-from-eccentric-contractions/ Isometric Contractions: Adaptations: Muscular Hypertrophy and Strength relative to the joint angle being applied. *Tendons and overall connective tissue when held at lengthened positions *6 hours to fully recovery great for rehab & targeting weaknessesHere are some ways to Apply Isometric Contractions: Pulls, squats, or presses into pinsSquats into pins from Lengthened PositionLeg Extensions and Leg Curls from Lengthened Positions Paused Squats or Presses: great for strengthening positions but not for maximizing hypertrophy or connective tissue.Read about Isometric Contractions at: https://gymaware.com/adaptations-from-isometric-contractions/ Visit: https://www.mashelite.com Please support our sponsors: https://www.riseindoorsports.com/ https://gymaware.com https://www.swiftperformance.com/ https://www.shredmill.com/ https://www.sorinex.com/
From "Barbell Life"
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