Episode 349 - An abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest returns to the SC Statehouse - (3/7/25)

07 Mar 2025 • 23 min • EN
23 min
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On today's show: 1. Special election set for North Charleston council seats left vacant after federal corruption charges - https://www.postandcourier.com/news/special-election-city-council-north-charleston-corruption/article_1fc4b324-f913-11ef-8ad3-5f940e39c70a.html 2. An abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest has come to the SC Statehouse - https://www.postandcourier.com/politics/abortion-ban-south-carolina-no-exceptions/article_e6ff9a92-f901-11ef-bc36-97efabaf3760.html 3. South Carolina Supreme Court rejects man’s final appeal, clearing way for firing squad execution - https://apnews.com/article/firing-squad-brad-sigmon-south-carolina-execution-cab4c3e71f4e94e1004918193b2597a2 4. Man accused by Rep. Mace of being predator demands evidence or retraction in open letter - https://abcnews4.com/news/local/man-accused-by-rep-mace-of-being-predator-demands-evidence-or-retraction-in-open-letter-wciv-abc-news-4-house-of-representatives-south-carolina-house-floor-sexual-assault-eric-bland-state-law-enforcement-division-lowcountry-isle-of-palms-sullivans-island This episode's music is by Tyler Boone (tylerboonemusic.com). The episode was produced by LMC Soundsystem.

From "Holy City Sinner Radio"

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