Episode 31 featuring Jesse Ringer: You Don’t Look Gay

14 Oct 2021 • 25 min • EN
25 min
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Jesse and I spoke about stereotypes and not fitting them, and about how having a supportive family doesn’t necessarily make it easier to come out. We also talked about being comfortable being who you are. Jesse Ringer is a gay man living in Vancouver, BC with his husband. He runs a successful digital marketing agency, which he launched in 2017 called Method and Metric, an SEO agency that helps organizations turn their website into a powerful revenue-generating tool. Having bootstrapped his business from the ground up, Jesse and his team have built up a roster of international clients. You can find Jesse here: https://methodandmetric.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/methodandmetric Rainbow Connect was mentioned and you can find them here: If you sign up please use code YEGQUEERVZ https://www.rainbowconnect.ca/ www.QueerVoicez.org

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